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sexta-feira, 31 de julho de 2009

The Lightsucker's Path

Bernie woke up suddenly and looked at the bedside door. It was 3:00 in the morning, in a panic he grabbed a baseball bat, and silently he stepped outside the door. He was there alone, nobody would visit him that day, and for sure if one would do it, this person would call him first. By that time, Bernie recalled a movie he watched, there was this boy that killed a friend in the middle of the night because he thought his friend was a robber instead. Thus, Bernie would have to be a little more cautions in order not to make the same rude mistake. That’s why he decided to turn on the lights first, at the very instant he was behind the mysterious silhouette. In this moment he felt a hot and burning sting into his heart, it was a bullet, it was a robber, it was his final lesson: don’t watch too much TV.

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